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Wednesday, 14 December 2011


This tutorial gives you everything u need to no about how to creat mobile theme with your picture. TOOLS: 1 Blueftp 2 A copy of Theme 3 Your pictures Step 1 Create two folders,folder 1 containing the theme you want to use while folder 2 should be empty. Step 2- Open ur blueftp locate the folder where the theme is contained,click on the theme and the classes will be displayed. Step 3-Copy down all the classes in a book,press options click on select all,the background will turn
yellow colour then press button 1 and go back to the empty folder or folder 2 and press button 3,press yes until the extraction is completed.. Step 4- Go to the folder where the images you want to use are,press 1 to mark the ones you would want to use and go to folder 2 and press 3...continue pressing yes until the exraction is completed. Step 5- Now this is the most important and vital part...we want to start renaming the pictures to that of the contents of the themes,but before that you will need to delete all the themes contents EXCEPT The theme discriptor,the one with the globe image..pls dont delete it Start renaming your pictures to each contents of the themes you have written down in your book with the correct extention,for example michael.jpg renamed to skin.png and fineboy.jpg renamed to these two examples i gave,the michael.jpg is ur picture while the skin.png is one of the themes content,now delete the 'skin.png' and rename the 'michael.jpg' to the 'skin.png'....Do so for the other pictures,rename it properlly without any mistake! Step 6-After renaming,press option click on select all,it will mark all. Step 7-Press option again and click on to compress to nth,you will see file.nth,you can change it to your desired name e.g princeleo9one.nth,press ok... Press yes eachtime anything pops up,keep on pressing until the compression is completed...locate ur folder 2 and apply ur new theme! Enjoi,drop ur testimonies and most importantly plsssssss drag your friends down to this site... We rule while others crawl behind!!! Visit here for more


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